R-6 Thermal Blocks: Boosting Insulation, Stopping Condensation, and Increasing Efficiency in Metal Buildings

    Thermal Block Insulation System


Boost Metal Building Efficiency and Savings

Metal buildings offer many advantages, but their inherent thermal conductivity can make them less energy-efficient than some structures. Here at Metal Building Insulation, we offer a solution: thermal blocks. These innovative building components can significantly enhance the energy performance of your metal building, potentially exceeding US energy codes and leading to substantial cost savings.

Comprised of high-density rigid foam that integrate seamlessly with traditional fiberglass insulation systems in metal buildings. They create a continuous insulation barrier, eliminating thermal bridges and preventing heat transfer through the structure. This approach not only improves overall insulation performance but also addresses a common issue in metal buildings – condensation. By stopping condensation from forming at the top of the purlin cavity, thermal blocks allow fiberglass insulation to function optimally and reduce overall moisture buildup within the building. This translates to a healthier indoor environment and potentially less maintenance down the line.

Thermal blocks offer another key benefit: they act as a physical barrier between the metal building’s outer shell and the interior structural framing. This separation minimizes the transfer of heat through direct contact, further enhancing the building’s thermal efficiency.

Our blocks come in a standard 1-inch thickness and boast an impressive R-6 insulation value without compression. In some cases, incorporating blocks into your metal building’s insulation system can double its overall insulation performance. This translates to significant cost savings on your energy bills. To back this claim, we rely on real-world data obtained through rigorous “Hot Box Testing.” Our results demonstrate the potential for a return on investment within 18 months, followed by a lifetime of energy savings.

Investing in thermal blocks is an investment in the future of your metal building. They offer a cost-effective way to achieve superior energy efficiency, leading to lower operating costs and a more comfortable indoor environment. Contact Metal Building Insulation today to learn more about how we can help you unlock the full potential of your metal building.



Thermal Blocks R-Value
3D Thermal Blocks

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